2nd symposium on disaster medicine and special situations

The risk of violence and terrorist situations has increased and preparations must be made for special threat situations. To this end, it is important to analyze operations, formulate concepts and exchange experiences.
Organization: Working Group of Fire Departments in the Rescue Service; AG FReDi and Dresden Fire Department
Moderation: Marika Rosenberg, Dresden Fire Department; Candy Sommer, Dresden Police Department
Room Hamburg 1
Friday, October 11, 2024
09:00 a.m. | Opening Marika Rosenberg, City of Dresden Fire and Disaster Control Office; Candy Sommer, Dresden Police; Dr. Andreas Follmann, President, German Society for Disaster Medicine |
09:10 a.m. | Disaster medicine in public health protection Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl, DGKM |
09:55 a.m. | Public relations in special situations Michael Klahre, Public Relations BKSA Dresden) |
10:40 a.m. | Telemedicine - learned from the tele-emergency doctor, usable for the disaster? Dr. Andreas Follmann, DGKM;Anna Müller, M.Sc., Rescue Engineer, University Hospital RWTH Aachen |
11:25 a.m. | Digital disaster management, the Ivena MANV-APP David Sandner;Roman Leitow |
12:10 p.m. | Lunch break |
13:00 hrs | CBRN - Special situations - Guidelines for the rescue service and hospital Jürgen Schreiber, DGKM |
1:45 p.m. | "Active Shooter at the University of Prague" Petr Kolouch, Director RD Prague; Ilja Chocholous, Med.Dok. Deputy Director for Operations Management |
14:30 | Coffee break |
3:30 p.m. | Communication in special situations Dr. Rolf-Dieter Erbe, Berlin Fire Department |
3:30 p.m. | Exchange of experience/ discussion Marika Rosenberg, Dresden Fire and Disaster Protection Office; Candy Sommer, Dresden Police; Dr. Andreas Follmann, President, German Society for Disaster Medicine e.V |
Program symposium DD-FLORIAN-2024-Program-FT-Civil Protection+SL.pdf
The fee for the symposium on disaster medicine and special situations is € 20.00 (including admission to the trade fair).
With over 100 participants, the 1st symposium on disaster medicine and special situations at FLORIAN 2023 got off to a successful start and will be continued at FLORIAN 2024.