26th symposium on municipal water supply systems on 10.10.2024

The event is aimed at all those involved in flood protection, especially representatives of local authorities, civil protection organizations, fire and water brigades, specialist authorities and interested citizens, clubs and associations.
In particular, the symposium offers the opportunity to make suggestions for the improvement of municipal information provision, the optimization of operational management and communication between the emergency services.
Presentations, discussions and a direct exchange of experience and information between experts from science, technology and authorities will reach and sensitize participants to the current and future challenges in hazard prevention with regard to climate change.
26th symposium on water fire brigades
with pre-registration!
09:00 a.m.
Dr. Regina Heinecke-Schmitt, Head, SMEKUL Dresden
Gunnar Ullmann, Landesfeuerwehrverband Sachen e.V.
Block I - Heavy rainfall management
9:30 a.m.
Heavy rainfall management
Karsten Stoof, SMEKUL
10:00 a.m.
Heavy rain hazard information maps
Dr. Martin Lenk/Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt am Main
10:30 a.m.
Funding and advisory options for heavy rain management
Dr. Gabriele Stich, Kompetenzzentrum Hochwassereigenvorsorge, BDZ e. V. Leipzig;
Thomas Meyer, SMEKUL
11:00 a.m.
Creation of a concept for heavy rainfall prevention in the Altzella monastery district
Elvira Grübler/Regionalentwicklung Klosterbezirk Altzella e.V.
Bernd Emmrich/Ortsvorsteher Marbach (Gemeinde Striegistal)
11:30 a.m.
Heavy rainfall management in the Czech Republic
Ing. Petr Šerci, Ph. D. and Mgr. Martin Pecha/Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ), Prague
12:00 pm
Lunch break
12:30 pm
Dykes and dyke defense under prolonged stress
Ralf Beyer, THW
1:00 pm
Why weather forecasting is difficult
Florian Engelmann, German Weather Service
Block II - AI for flood warning / HoWa-PRO
from 13:30
Floods in your community - How can you prepare?
Anastassi Stefanova for the HoWa-PRO project team
How can artificial intelligence help in the event of flooding?
Dr. Jens Grundmann and Björn Händler for the KIWA project team
Followed by demonstrations and exchange of experiences
End around 16:30
Subject to change!
Program symposium (pdf) DD-FLORIAN-2024-Program-FT-Water Weirs.pdf